Building a Pinned Memory Pool in FORTRAN

In this recipe, we show you how to build a pool in pinned memory using Umpire’s FORTRAN API. These kinds of pools can be useful for allocating buffers to be used in communication routines in various scientific applications.

Building the pool takes two steps: 1) getting a base “PINNED” allocator, and 2) creating the pool:

      rm = rm%get_instance()
      base_allocator = rm%get_allocator_by_name("PINNED")

      pinned_pool = rm%make_allocator_pool("PINNED_POOL", &
                                           base_allocator, &
                                           512_8*1024_8, &

The complete example is included below:

! Copyright (c) 2016-20, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and Umpire
! project contributors. See the COPYRIGHT file for details.
! SPDX-License-Identifier: (MIT)

program umpire_f_pinned_pool
      use umpire_mod
      implicit none
      logical ok

      integer(C_INT), pointer, dimension(:) :: array(:)
      type(UmpireAllocator) base_allocator
      type(UmpireAllocator) pinned_pool
      type(UmpireResourceManager) rm

      ! _sphinx_tag_tut_pinned_fortran_start
      rm = rm%get_instance()
      base_allocator = rm%get_allocator_by_name("PINNED")

      pinned_pool = rm%make_allocator_pool("PINNED_POOL", &
                                           base_allocator, &
                                           512_8*1024_8, &
      ! _sphinx_tag_tut_pinned_fortran_end

      call pinned_pool%allocate(array, [10])
end program umpire_f_pinned_pool