External Dependencies

One key goal for BLT is to simplify the use of external dependencies when building your libraries and executables.

To accomplish this BLT provides a DEPENDS_ON option for the blt_add_library and blt_add_executable macros that supports both CMake targets and external dependencies registered using the blt_register_library macro.

The blt_register_library macro allows you to expose any external dependency, including any additional includes, libraries, compile flags, link flags, defines, etc that are required to use the dependency via a single name.

For example, instead adding the include directories and libraries necessary to use a dependency zzz directly to your CMake executable target, if zzz was registered with blt_register_library, you can simply use


In the blt_add_executable call for your executable.

This is especially helpful for external libraries that are not built with CMake and don’t provide CMake friendly imported targets. Our ultimate goal is to use blt_register_library to import all external dependencies as first-class imported CMake targets to take full advanced of CMake’s dependency lattice.

MPI, CUDA, and OpenMP are all registered via blt_register_library. You can see how these registered via blt_register_library in blt/thirdparty_builtin/CMakelists.txt.

BLT also supports using blt_register_library to provide additional options for existing CMake targets. The implementation doesn’t modify the properties of the existing targets, it just exposes these options via BLT’s support for DEPENDS_ON.


A macro to register external libraries and dependencies with blt. The named target can be added to the DEPENDS_ON argument of other blt macros, like blt_add_library and blt_add_executable.

You have already seen one use of DEPENDS_ON of a blt registered dependency in test_1: gtest

# Test 1: Creating an executable using gtest, using the executable via ctest.
blt_add_executable( NAME test_1
                    SOURCES test_1.cpp 
                    DEPENDS_ON calc_pi gtest)

gtest is the name for the google test dependency in BLT registered via blt_register_library. Even though google test is built-in and uses CMake, blt_register_library allows us to easily set defines needed by all dependent targets.

MPI Example

Our next example, test_2, builds and tests the calc_pi_mpi library, which uses MPI to parallelize the calculation over the integration intervals.

To enable MPI, we set ENABLE_MPI, MPI_C_COMPILER, and MPI_CXX_COMPILER in our host config file. Here is a snippet with these settings for LLNL’s Surface Cluster:

# MPI Support

set(MPI_C_COMPILER "/usr/local/tools/mvapich2-gnu-2.0/bin/mpicc" CACHE PATH "")

set(MPI_CXX_COMPILER "/usr/local/tools/mvapich2-gnu-2.0/bin/mpicc" CACHE PATH "")

Here, you can see how calc_pi_mpi and test_2 use DEPENDS_ON:

# Test 2: Add mpi version of calc_pi, and expand test 1 to also test 
# the mpi version.

    blt_add_library( NAME calc_pi_mpi
                     HEADERS calc_pi_mpi.hpp calc_pi_mpi_exports.h
                     SOURCES calc_pi_mpi.cpp 
                     DEPENDS_ON mpi)

    blt_add_executable( NAME test_2
                        SOURCES test_2.cpp 
                        DEPENDS_ON calc_pi calc_pi_mpi gtest)

For MPI unit tests, you also need to specify the number of MPI Tasks to launch. We use the NUM_MPI_TASKS argument to blt_add_test macro.

    blt_add_test( NAME test_2 
                  COMMAND test_2
                  NUM_MPI_TASKS 2) # number of mpi tasks to use

As mentioned in Unit Testing, google test provides a default main() driver that will execute all unit tests defined in the source. To test MPI code we need to create a main that initializes and finalizes MPI in addition to google test. test_2.cpp provides an example driver for MPI with google test.

// main driver that allows using mpi w/ google test
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    int result = 0;

    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);

    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

    result = RUN_ALL_TESTS();


    return result;

CUDA Example

Finally, test_3 builds and tests the calc_pi_cuda library, which uses CUDA to parallelize the calculation over the integration intervals.

To enable CUDA, we set ENABLE_CUDA, CUDA_BIN_DIR, and CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR in our host config file. Here is a snippet with these settings for LLNL’s Surface Cluster:

# CUDA support

set(CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR "/opt/cudatoolkit-8.0" CACHE PATH "")
set(CUDA_BIN_DIR "/opt/cudatoolkit-8.0/bin" CACHE PATH "")

Here, you can see how calc_pi_cuda and test_3 use DEPENDS_ON:

# Test 3: Add cuda version of calc_pi, and expand test 1 to also test 
# the cuda version.

    # avoid warnings about sm_20 deprecated
    set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS ${CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS};-arch=sm_30)
    blt_add_library( NAME calc_pi_cuda
                     HEADERS calc_pi_cuda.hpp calc_pi_cuda_exports.h
                     SOURCES calc_pi_cuda.cpp 
                     DEPENDS_ON cuda)

    blt_add_executable( NAME test_3
                        SOURCES test_3.cpp 
                        DEPENDS_ON calc_pi calc_pi_cuda gtest cuda_runtime)

The cuda dependency for calc_pi_cuda is a little special, in that it also tells BLT that this target includes CUDA code that needs to be compiled via nvcc or cuda-clang. The cuda_runtime dependency handles the linking of the CUDA runtime.

Here are the full example host-config files that use gcc 4.9.3 for LLNL’s Surface, Ray and Quartz Clusters.





Quartz does not have GPUs, so CUDA is not enabled in the Quartz host-config.

Here is a full example host-config file for an OSX laptop, using a set of dependencies built with spack.


Building and testing on Surface

Here is how you can use the host-config file to configure a build of the calc_pi project with MPI and CUDA enabled on Surface:

# load new cmake b/c default on surface is too old
use cmake-3.5.2
# create build dir
mkdir build
cd build
# configure using host-config
cmake -C ../../host-configs/llnl-surface-chaos_5_x86_64_ib-gcc@4.9.3.cmake  -DBLT_SOURCE_DIR=../../../../blt ..

After building (make), you can run make test on a batch node (where the GPUs reside) to run the unit tests that are using MPI and CUDA:

bash-4.1$ salloc -A <valid bank>
bash-4.1$ make
bash-4.1$ make test

Running tests...
Test project blt/docs/tutorial/calc_pi/build
    Start 1: test_1
1/8 Test #1: test_1 ...........................   Passed    0.01 sec
    Start 2: test_2
2/8 Test #2: test_2 ...........................   Passed    2.79 sec
    Start 3: test_3
3/8 Test #3: test_3 ...........................   Passed    0.54 sec
    Start 4: blt_gtest_smoke
4/8 Test #4: blt_gtest_smoke ..................   Passed    0.01 sec
    Start 5: blt_fruit_smoke
5/8 Test #5: blt_fruit_smoke ..................   Passed    0.01 sec
    Start 6: blt_mpi_smoke
6/8 Test #6: blt_mpi_smoke ....................   Passed    2.82 sec
    Start 7: blt_cuda_smoke
7/8 Test #7: blt_cuda_smoke ...................   Passed    0.48 sec
    Start 8: blt_cuda_runtime_smoke
8/8 Test #8: blt_cuda_runtime_smoke ...........   Passed    0.11 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 8

Total Test time (real) =   6.80 sec

Building and testing on Ray

Here is how you can use the host-config file to configure a build of the calc_pi project with MPI and CUDA enabled on the blue_os Ray cluster:

# load new cmake b/c default on ray is too old
ml cmake
# create build dir
mkdir build
cd build
# configure using host-config
cmake -C ../../host-configs/llnl-ray-blue_os-gcc@4.9.3.cmake  -DBLT_SOURCE_DIR=../../../../blt ..

And here is how to build and test the code on Ray:

bash-4.2$ bsub -Is -n20 -G <valid group> bash
bash-4.2$ make
bash-4.2$ make test

Running tests...
Test project /g/g15/weiss27/projects/blt/docs/tutorial/calc_pi/build
    Start 1: test_1
1/7 Test #1: test_1 ...........................   Passed    0.01 sec
    Start 2: test_2
2/7 Test #2: test_2 ...........................   Passed    1.24 sec
    Start 3: test_3
3/7 Test #3: test_3 ...........................   Passed    0.17 sec
    Start 4: blt_gtest_smoke
4/7 Test #4: blt_gtest_smoke ..................   Passed    0.01 sec
    Start 5: blt_mpi_smoke
5/7 Test #5: blt_mpi_smoke ....................   Passed    0.82 sec
    Start 6: blt_cuda_smoke
6/7 Test #6: blt_cuda_smoke ...................   Passed    0.15 sec
    Start 7: blt_cuda_runtime_smoke
7/7 Test #7: blt_cuda_runtime_smoke ...........   Passed    0.04 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 7

Total Test time (real) =   2.47 sec