Mixed Pool Creation and Algorithm Basics¶

This recipe shows how to create a default mixed pool, and one that might be tailored to a specific application’s needs. Mixed pools allocate in an array of umpire::strategy::FixedPool for small allocations, because these have simpler bookkeeping and are very fast, and a umpire::strategy::QuickPool for larger allocations.


Because DynamicPoolMap has recently been deprecated, the implementation for MixedPool recently changed from using DynamicPoolMap to using QuickPool instead. Although DynamicPoolMap is still supported, QuickPool is encouraged.

The class umpire::strategy::MixedPool uses a generic choice of umpire::strategy::FixedPool of size 256 bytes to 4MB in increments of powers of 2, while umpire::strategy::MixedPoolImpl has template arguments that select the first, power of 2 increment, and last fixed pool size.

The complete example is included below:

// Copyright (c) 2016-20, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and Umpire
// project contributors. See the COPYRIGHT file for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (MIT)
#include <iostream>

#include "umpire/Allocator.hpp"
#include "umpire/ResourceManager.hpp"
#include "umpire/strategy/MixedPool.hpp"

int main(int, char **)
  auto &rm = umpire::ResourceManager::getInstance();
  auto allocator = rm.getAllocator("HOST");

   * Create a default mixed pool.
  auto default_mixed_allocator = rm.makeAllocator<umpire::strategy::MixedPool>(
      "default_mixed_pool", allocator);


   * Create a mixed pool using fixed pool bins of size 2^8 = 256 Bytes
   * to 2^14 = 16 kB in increments of 5x, where each individual fixed
   * pool is kept under 4MB in size to begin.
  auto custom_mixed_allocator = rm.makeAllocator<umpire::strategy::MixedPool>(
      "custom_mixed_pool", allocator, 256, 16 * 1024, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 5);

   * Although this calls for only 4*4=16 bytes, this allocation will
   * come from the smallest fixed pool, thus ptr will actually be the
   * first address in a range of 256 bytes.
  void *ptr1 = custom_mixed_allocator.allocate(4 * sizeof(int));

   * This is too beyond the range of the fixed pools, and therefore is
   * allocated from a dynamic pool. The range of address space
   * reserved will be exactly what was requested by the allocate()
   * method.
  void *ptr2 = custom_mixed_allocator.allocate(1 << 18);

   * Clean up

  return 0;