Program Listing for File ResourceManager.cpp

Return to documentation for file (umpire/ResourceManager.cpp)

// Copyright (c) 2016-20, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and Umpire
// project contributors. See the COPYRIGHT file for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (MIT)
#include "umpire/ResourceManager.hpp"

#include "umpire/config.hpp"
#include "umpire/resource/MemoryResourceRegistry.hpp"

#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>

#include "umpire/Umpire.hpp"
#include "umpire/op/MemoryOperation.hpp"
#include "umpire/op/MemoryOperationRegistry.hpp"
#include "umpire/strategy/AllocationTracker.hpp"
#include "umpire/strategy/DynamicPool.hpp"
#include "umpire/strategy/FixedPool.hpp"
#include "umpire/strategy/ZeroByteHandler.hpp"
#include "umpire/strategy/NumaPolicy.hpp"
#include "umpire/util/MPI.hpp"
#include "umpire/util/Macros.hpp"
#include "umpire/util/io.hpp"
#include "umpire/util/make_unique.hpp"
#include "umpire/util/wrap_allocator.hpp"

#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>

#if defined(UMPIRE_ENABLE_HIP)
#include <hip/hip_runtime.h>

#include <CL/sycl.hpp>

static const char* s_null_resource_name{"__umpire_internal_null"};
static const char* s_zero_byte_pool_name{"__umpire_internal_0_byte_pool"};

namespace umpire {

ResourceManager& ResourceManager::getInstance()
  static ResourceManager resource_manager;

  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "() returning " << &resource_manager);
  return resource_manager;

    : m_allocations(),
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "() entering");

  const char* env_enable_replay{getenv("UMPIRE_REPLAY")};
  const bool enable_replay{env_enable_replay != nullptr};

  const char* env_enable_log{getenv("UMPIRE_LOG_LEVEL")};
  const bool enable_log{env_enable_log != nullptr};

  util::initialize_io(enable_log, enable_replay);


  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "() leaving");

  for (auto&& allocator : m_allocators) {
    if (allocator->getCurrentSize() != 0) {
      std::stringstream ss;

      umpire::print_allocator_records(Allocator{allocator.get()}, ss);

      UMPIRE_LOG(Error, allocator->getName() << " Allocator still has "
                                             << allocator->getCurrentSize()
                                             << " bytes allocated" << std::endl
                                             << ss.str() << std::endl);


void ResourceManager::initialize()
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "() entering");

  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "Umpire v" << UMPIRE_VERSION_MAJOR << "."
                               << UMPIRE_VERSION_MINOR << "."
                               << UMPIRE_VERSION_PATCH << "."
                               << UMPIRE_VERSION_RC);

  UMPIRE_REPLAY(R"( "event": "version", "payload": { "major": )"
                << UMPIRE_VERSION_MAJOR << R"(, "minor": )"
                << UMPIRE_VERSION_MINOR << R"(, "patch": )"
                << UMPIRE_VERSION_PATCH << R"(, "rc": ")" << UMPIRE_VERSION_RC
                << R"(" })");

  resource::MemoryResourceRegistry& registry{

    std::unique_ptr<strategy::AllocationStrategy> allocator{
        // util::wrap_allocator<strategy::AllocationTracker>(
        registry.makeMemoryResource(s_null_resource_name, getNextId())};

    int id{allocator->getId()};
    m_allocators_by_name[s_null_resource_name] = allocator.get();
    m_allocators_by_id[id] = allocator.get();

    std::unique_ptr<strategy::AllocationStrategy> allocator{
        new strategy::FixedPool{
            s_zero_byte_pool_name, getNextId(),
            Allocator{m_allocators_by_name[s_null_resource_name]}, 1}};

    int id{allocator->getId()};
    m_allocators_by_name[s_zero_byte_pool_name] = allocator.get();
    m_allocators_by_id[id] = allocator.get();

  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "() leaving");

Allocator ResourceManager::makeResource(const std::string& name)
  resource::MemoryResourceRegistry& registry{

  return makeResource(name, registry.getDefaultTraitsForResource(name));

Allocator ResourceManager::makeResource(const std::string& name,
                                        MemoryResourceTraits traits)
  if (m_allocators_by_name.find(name) != m_allocators_by_name.end()) {
    UMPIRE_ERROR("Allocator " << name
                              << " already exists, and cannot be re-created.");

  resource::MemoryResourceRegistry& registry{

  if (name.find("DEVICE") != std::string::npos) { = resource::resource_to_device_id(name);
  std::unique_ptr<strategy::AllocationStrategy> allocator{
          registry.makeMemoryResource(name, getNextId(), traits))};

  UMPIRE_REPLAY(R"( "event": "makeMemoryResource", "payload": { "name": ")"
                << name << R"(" })"
                << R"(, "result": ")" << allocator.get() << R"(")");

  int id{allocator->getId()};
  m_allocators_by_name[name] = allocator.get();
  if (name == "DEVICE") {
    m_allocators_by_name["DEVICE::0"] = allocator.get();
  if (name.find("::0") != std::string::npos) {
    std::string base_name{name.substr(0, name.find("::") - 1)};
    m_allocators_by_name[base_name] = allocator.get();
  if (name.find("::") == std::string::npos) {
    m_memory_resources[resource::string_to_resource(name)] = allocator.get();
  m_allocators_by_id[id] = allocator.get();

  return Allocator{m_allocators_by_name[name]};

strategy::AllocationStrategy* ResourceManager::getAllocationStrategy(
    const std::string& name)
  resource::MemoryResourceRegistry& registry{
  auto resource_names = registry.getResourceNames();

  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(\"" << name << "\")");
  auto allocator = m_allocators_by_name.find(name);
  if (allocator == m_allocators_by_name.end()) {
    auto resource_name =
        std::find(resource_names.begin(), resource_names.end(), name);
    if (resource_name != std::end(resource_names)) {
    } else {
      UMPIRE_ERROR("Allocator \"" << name
                                  << "\" not found. Available allocators: "
                                  << getAllocatorInformation());

  return m_allocators_by_name[name];

Allocator ResourceManager::getAllocator(const std::string& name)
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(\"" << name << "\")");
  return Allocator(getAllocationStrategy(name));

Allocator ResourceManager::getAllocator(const char* name)
  return getAllocator(std::string{name});

Allocator ResourceManager::getAllocator(
    resource::MemoryResourceType resource_type)
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(\"" << static_cast<std::size_t>(resource_type) << "\")");

  auto allocator = m_memory_resources.find(resource_type);
  if (allocator == m_memory_resources.end()) {
    return getAllocator(resource::resource_to_string(resource_type));
  } else {
    return Allocator(m_memory_resources[resource_type]);

Allocator ResourceManager::getAllocator(int id)
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(\"" << id << "\")");

  if (id == umpire::invalid_allocator_id) {
    UMPIRE_ERROR("Passed umpire::invalid_allocator_id");

  auto allocator = m_allocators_by_id.find(id);
  if (allocator == m_allocators_by_id.end()) {
    UMPIRE_ERROR("Allocator \"" << id << "\" not found. Available allocators: "
                                << getAllocatorInformation());

  return Allocator(m_allocators_by_id[id]);

Allocator ResourceManager::getDefaultAllocator()
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "");

  if (!m_default_allocator) {
    UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "Initializing m_default_allocator as HOST");
    m_default_allocator = getAllocator("HOST").getAllocationStrategy();

  return Allocator(m_default_allocator);

std::vector<std::string> ResourceManager::getResourceNames()
  resource::MemoryResourceRegistry& registry{

  return registry.getResourceNames();

void ResourceManager::setDefaultAllocator(Allocator allocator) noexcept
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(\"" << allocator.getName() << "\")");

      R"( "event": "setDefaultAllocator", "payload": { "allocator_ref": ")"
      << allocator.getAllocationStrategy() << R"(" })");

  m_default_allocator = allocator.getAllocationStrategy();

void ResourceManager::registerAllocator(const std::string& name,
                                        Allocator allocator)
  addAlias(name, allocator);

void ResourceManager::addAlias(const std::string& name,
                                        Allocator allocator)
  if (isAllocator(name)) {
    auto ra = getAllocator(name);
    UMPIRE_ERROR("Allocator " << name << " is already an alias for " << ra.getName());

  m_allocators_by_name[name] = allocator.getAllocationStrategy();

void ResourceManager::removeAlias(const std::string& name,
                                        Allocator allocator)
  if (!isAllocator(name)) {
    UMPIRE_ERROR("Allocator " << name << " is not registered.");

  auto a = m_allocators_by_name.find(name);
  if (a->second->getName().compare(name) == 0) {
    UMPIRE_ERROR(name << " is not an alias, so cannot be removed.")

  if (a->second->getId() != allocator.getId()) {
    UMPIRE_ERROR("Allocator " << name << " is not registered as an alias of " << allocator.getName());


Allocator ResourceManager::getAllocator(void* ptr)
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(ptr=" << ptr << ")");
  return Allocator(findAllocatorForPointer(ptr));

bool ResourceManager::isAllocator(const std::string& name) noexcept
  return (m_allocators_by_name.find(name) != m_allocators_by_name.end());

bool ResourceManager::isAllocator(int id) noexcept
  return (m_allocators_by_id.find(id) != m_allocators_by_id.end());

bool ResourceManager::hasAllocator(void* ptr)
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(ptr=" << ptr << ")");

  return m_allocations.contains(ptr);

void ResourceManager::registerAllocation(void* ptr,
                                         util::AllocationRecord record)
  if (!ptr) {
    UMPIRE_ERROR("Cannot register nullptr!");

  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(ptr=" << ptr << ", size=" << record.size << ", strategy="
                            << record.strategy << ") with " << this);


  m_allocations.insert(ptr, record);

util::AllocationRecord ResourceManager::deregisterAllocation(void* ptr)
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(ptr=" << ptr << ")");
  return m_allocations.remove(ptr);

const util::AllocationRecord* ResourceManager::findAllocationRecord(
    void* ptr) const
  auto alloc_record = m_allocations.find(ptr);

  if (!alloc_record->strategy) {
    UMPIRE_ERROR("Cannot find allocator for " << ptr);

  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(Returning allocation record for ptr = " << ptr << ")");

  return alloc_record;

bool ResourceManager::isAllocatorRegistered(const std::string& name)
  return isAllocator(name);

void ResourceManager::copy(void* dst_ptr, void* src_ptr, std::size_t size)
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(src_ptr=" << src_ptr << ", dst_ptr=" << dst_ptr
                                << ", size=" << size << ")");

  auto& op_registry = op::MemoryOperationRegistry::getInstance();

  auto src_alloc_record = m_allocations.find(src_ptr);
  std::ptrdiff_t src_offset =
      static_cast<char*>(src_ptr) - static_cast<char*>(src_alloc_record->ptr);
  std::size_t src_size = src_alloc_record->size - src_offset;

  auto dst_alloc_record = m_allocations.find(dst_ptr);
  std::ptrdiff_t dst_offset =
      static_cast<char*>(dst_ptr) - static_cast<char*>(dst_alloc_record->ptr);
  std::size_t dst_size = dst_alloc_record->size - dst_offset;

  if (size == 0) {
    size = src_size;

      R"( "event": "copy", "payload": {)"
      << R"( "src": ")" << src_ptr << R"(")"
      << R"(, "src_offset": )" << src_offset << R"(, "dest": ")" << dst_ptr
      << R"(")"
      << R"(, "dst_offset": )" << dst_offset << R"(, "size": )" << size
      << R"(, "src_allocator_ref": ")" << src_alloc_record->strategy << R"(")"
      << R"(, "dst_allocator_ref": ")" << dst_alloc_record->strategy << R"(")"
      << R"( } )");

  if (size > dst_size) {
    UMPIRE_ERROR("Not enough resource in destination for copy: "
                 << size << " -> " << dst_size);

  auto op = op_registry.find("COPY", src_alloc_record->strategy,

  op->transform(src_ptr, &dst_ptr, src_alloc_record, dst_alloc_record, size);

camp::resources::Event ResourceManager::copy(void* dst_ptr, void* src_ptr,
                                             camp::resources::Resource& ctx,
                                             std::size_t size)
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(src_ptr=" << src_ptr << ", dst_ptr=" << dst_ptr
                                << ", size=" << size << ")");

  auto& op_registry = op::MemoryOperationRegistry::getInstance();

  auto src_alloc_record = m_allocations.find(src_ptr);
  std::ptrdiff_t src_offset =
      static_cast<char*>(src_ptr) - static_cast<char*>(src_alloc_record->ptr);
  std::size_t src_size = src_alloc_record->size - src_offset;

  auto dst_alloc_record = m_allocations.find(dst_ptr);
  std::ptrdiff_t dst_offset =
      static_cast<char*>(dst_ptr) - static_cast<char*>(dst_alloc_record->ptr);
  std::size_t dst_size = dst_alloc_record->size - dst_offset;

  if (size == 0) {
    size = src_size;

  if (size > dst_size) {
    UMPIRE_ERROR("Not enough resource in destination for copy: "
                 << size << " -> " << dst_size);

  auto op = op_registry.find("COPY", src_alloc_record->strategy,

  return op->transform_async(src_ptr, &dst_ptr, src_alloc_record,
                             dst_alloc_record, size, ctx);

void ResourceManager::memset(void* ptr, int value, std::size_t length)
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(ptr=" << ptr << ", value=" << value
                            << ", length=" << length << ")");

  auto& op_registry = op::MemoryOperationRegistry::getInstance();

  auto alloc_record = m_allocations.find(ptr);

  std::ptrdiff_t offset =
      static_cast<char*>(ptr) - static_cast<char*>(alloc_record->ptr);
  std::size_t size = alloc_record->size - offset;

  if (length == 0) {
    length = size;

  UMPIRE_REPLAY(R"( "event": "memset", "payload": { )"
                << R"( "ptr": ")" << ptr << R"(")"
                << R"(, "value": )" << value << R"(, "size": )" << size
                << R"(, "allocator_ref": ")" << alloc_record->strategy << R"(")"
                << R"( })");

  if (length > size) {
    UMPIRE_ERROR("Cannot memset over the end of allocation: "
                 << length << " -> " << size);

  auto op = op_registry.find("MEMSET", alloc_record->strategy,

  op->apply(ptr, alloc_record, value, length);

void* ResourceManager::reallocate(void* current_ptr, std::size_t new_size)
  strategy::AllocationStrategy* strategy;

  UMPIRE_REPLAY(R"( "event": "reallocate", "payload": {)"
                << R"( "ptr": ")" << current_ptr << R"(")"
                << R"(, "size": )" << new_size << R"( } )");

  if (current_ptr != nullptr) {
    auto alloc_record = m_allocations.find(current_ptr);
    strategy = alloc_record->strategy;
  } else {
    strategy = getDefaultAllocator().getAllocationStrategy();

  void* new_ptr{reallocate_impl(current_ptr, new_size, Allocator(strategy))};

  UMPIRE_REPLAY(R"( "event": "reallocate", "payload": {)"
                << R"( "ptr": ")" << current_ptr << R"(")"
                << R"(, "size": )" << new_size << R"( })"
                << R"(, "result": { "memory_ptr": ")" << new_ptr << R"(" } )");

  return new_ptr;

void* ResourceManager::reallocate(void* current_ptr, std::size_t new_size,
                                  Allocator alloc)
  UMPIRE_REPLAY(R"( "event": "reallocate_ex", "payload": {)"
                << R"( "ptr": ")" << current_ptr << R"(")"
                << R"(, "size": )" << new_size << R"(, "allocator_ref": ")"
                << alloc.getAllocationStrategy() << R"(" } )");

  void* new_ptr{reallocate_impl(current_ptr, new_size, alloc)};

  UMPIRE_REPLAY(R"( "event": "reallocate_ex", "payload": {)"
                << R"( "ptr": ")" << current_ptr << R"(")"
                << R"(, "size": )" << new_size << R"(, "allocator_ref": ")"
                << alloc.getAllocationStrategy() << R"(" } )"
                << R"(, "result": { "memory_ptr": ")" << new_ptr << R"(" } )");

  return new_ptr;

void* ResourceManager::reallocate_impl(void* current_ptr, std::size_t new_size,
                                       Allocator allocator)
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(current_ptr=" << current_ptr << ", new_size=" << new_size
                                    << ", with Allocator "
                                    << allocator.getName() << ")");

  void* new_ptr;

  // If this is a brand new allocation, no reallocation necessary, just allocate
  if (current_ptr == nullptr) {
    new_ptr = allocator.allocate(new_size);
  } else {
    auto alloc_record = m_allocations.find(current_ptr);
    auto alloc = Allocator(alloc_record->strategy);

    if (alloc_record->strategy != allocator.getAllocationStrategy()) {
      UMPIRE_ERROR("Cannot reallocate "
                   << current_ptr << " from: " << alloc.getName()
                   << " with Allocator " << allocator.getName());

    // Special case 0-byte size here
    if (new_size == 0) {
      new_ptr = alloc.allocate(new_size);
    } else {
      auto& op_registry = op::MemoryOperationRegistry::getInstance();

      if (current_ptr != alloc_record->ptr) {
        UMPIRE_ERROR("Cannot reallocate an offset ptr (ptr="
                     << current_ptr << ", base=" << alloc_record->ptr);

      std::shared_ptr<umpire::op::MemoryOperation> op;
      if (alloc_record->strategy->getPlatform() == Platform::host &&
          getAllocator("HOST").getId() != alloc_record->strategy->getId()) {
        op = op_registry.find(
            std::make_pair(Platform::undefined, Platform::undefined));
      } else {
        op = op_registry.find("REALLOCATE", alloc_record->strategy,

      op->transform(current_ptr, &new_ptr, alloc_record, alloc_record,

  return new_ptr;

void* ResourceManager::move(void* ptr, Allocator allocator)
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(src_ptr=" << ptr << ", allocator=" << allocator.getName()
                                << ")");

  UMPIRE_REPLAY(R"( "event": "move", "payload": {")"
                << R"( "ptr": ")" << ptr << R"(")"
                << R"(, "allocator_ref": ")"
                << allocator.getAllocationStrategy() << R"(" })");

  auto alloc_record = m_allocations.find(ptr);

  // short-circuit if ptr was allocated by 'allocator'
  if (alloc_record->strategy == allocator.getAllocationStrategy()) {
    return ptr;

    auto base_strategy =

    // If found, use op::NumaMoveOperation to move in-place (same address
    // returned)
    if (dynamic_cast<strategy::NumaPolicy*>(base_strategy)) {
      auto& op_registry = op::MemoryOperationRegistry::getInstance();

      auto src_alloc_record = m_allocations.find(ptr);

      const std::size_t size{src_alloc_record->size};
      util::AllocationRecord dst_alloc_record{
          nullptr, size, allocator.getAllocationStrategy()};

      if (size > 0) {
        auto op = op_registry.find("MOVE", src_alloc_record->strategy,
        void* ret{nullptr};
        op->transform(ptr, &ret, src_alloc_record, &dst_alloc_record, size);
        UMPIRE_ASSERT(ret == ptr);

      UMPIRE_REPLAY(R"( "event": "move", "payload": {)"
                    << R"( "ptr": ")" << ptr << R"(")"
                    << R"(, "allocator": ")"
                    << allocator.getAllocationStrategy() << R"(" })"
                    << R"(, "result": { "ptr": ")" << ptr << R"(" })");
      return ptr;

  if (ptr != alloc_record->ptr) {
    UMPIRE_ERROR("Cannot move an offset ptr (ptr=" << ptr << ", base="
                                                   << alloc_record->ptr);

  void* dst_ptr{allocator.allocate(alloc_record->size)};
  copy(dst_ptr, ptr);

  UMPIRE_REPLAY(R"( "event": "move", "payload": {)"
                << R"( "ptr": ")" << ptr << R"(")"
                << R"(, "allocator": ")" << allocator.getAllocationStrategy()
                << R"(" })"
                << R"(, "result": { "ptr": ")" << dst_ptr << R"(" })");


  return dst_ptr;

void ResourceManager::deallocate(void* ptr)
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(ptr=" << ptr << ")");
  auto allocator = findAllocatorForPointer(ptr);


std::size_t ResourceManager::getSize(void* ptr) const
  auto record = m_allocations.find(ptr);
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(ptr=" << ptr << ") returning " << record->size);
  return record->size;

strategy::AllocationStrategy* ResourceManager::findAllocatorForId(int id)
  auto allocator_i = m_allocators_by_id.find(id);

  if (allocator_i == m_allocators_by_id.end()) {
    UMPIRE_ERROR("Cannot find allocator for ID " << id);

  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(id=" << id << ") returning " << allocator_i->second);
  return allocator_i->second;

strategy::AllocationStrategy* ResourceManager::findAllocatorForPointer(
    void* ptr)
  auto allocation_record = m_allocations.find(ptr);

  if (!allocation_record->strategy) {
    UMPIRE_ERROR("Cannot find allocator " << ptr);

             "(ptr=" << ptr << ") returning " << allocation_record->strategy);
  return allocation_record->strategy;

std::vector<std::string> ResourceManager::getAllocatorNames() const noexcept
  std::vector<std::string> names;
  for (auto it = m_allocators_by_name.begin(); it != m_allocators_by_name.end();
       ++it) {

  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "() returning " << names.size() << " allocators");
  return names;

std::vector<int> ResourceManager::getAllocatorIds() const noexcept
  std::vector<int> ids;
  for (auto& it : m_allocators_by_id) {

  return ids;

int ResourceManager::getNextId() noexcept
  return m_id++;

std::string ResourceManager::getAllocatorInformation() const noexcept
  std::ostringstream info;

  for (auto& it : m_allocators_by_name) {
    info << *it.second << " ";

  return info.str();

strategy::AllocationStrategy* ResourceManager::getZeroByteAllocator()
  return m_allocators_by_name[s_zero_byte_pool_name];

std::shared_ptr<op::MemoryOperation> ResourceManager::getOperation(
    const std::string& operation_name, Allocator src_allocator,
    Allocator dst_allocator)
  auto& op_registry = op::MemoryOperationRegistry::getInstance();

  return op_registry.find(operation_name, src_allocator.getAllocationStrategy(),

int ResourceManager::getNumDevices() const
  int device_count{0};
#elif defined(UMPIRE_ENABLE_HIP)
#elif defined(UMPIRE_ENABLE_SYCL)
  auto platforms = cl::sycl::platform::get_platforms();
  for (auto& platform : platforms) {
    auto devices = platform.get_devices();
    for (auto& device : devices) {
      const std::string deviceName =
      if (device.is_gpu() &&
          (deviceName.find("Intel(R) Gen9 HD Graphics NEO") !=
  return device_count;

} // end of namespace umpire