
The Umpire library may be configured to provide using programs with backtrace information as part of Umpire thrown exception description strings.

Umpire may also be configured to collect and provide backtrace information for each Umpire provided memory allocation performed.

Build Configuration

Backtrace is enabled in Umpire builds with the following:

  • cmake ... -DUMPIRE_ENABLE_BACKTRACE=On ... to backtrace capability in Umpire.
  • cmake -DUMPIRE_ENABLE_BACKTRACE=On -DUMPIRE_ENABLE_BACKTRACE_SYMBOLS=On ... to enable Umpire to display symbol information with backtrace.


Using programs will need to add the -rdyanmic and -ldl linker flags in order to properly link with this configuration of the Umpire library.

Runtime Configuration

For versions of the Umpire library that are backtrace enabled (from flags above), the user may expect the following.

Backtrace information will always be provided in the description strings of umpire generated exception throws.

Setting the environment variable UMPIRE_BACKTRACE=On will cause Umpire to record backtrace information for each memory allocation it provides.

Setting the environment variable UMPIRE_LOG_LEVEL=Error will cause to Umpire to log backtrace information for each of the leaked Umpire allocations found during application exit.

A programatic interface is also availble via the umpire::print_allocator_records() free function.

An example for checking and displaying the information this information logged above may be found here:

// Copyright (c) 2016-23, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and Umpire
// project contributors. See the COPYRIGHT file for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (MIT)
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

#include "umpire/ResourceManager.hpp"
#include "umpire/Umpire.hpp"
#include "umpire/strategy/QuickPool.hpp"

int main(int, char**)
  auto& rm = umpire::ResourceManager::getInstance();
  auto allocator = rm.getAllocator("HOST");
  auto pool_allocator = rm.makeAllocator<umpire::strategy::QuickPool>("host_quick_pool", allocator);



  std::stringstream ss;
  umpire::print_allocator_records(allocator, ss);
  umpire::print_allocator_records(pool_allocator, ss);

  // Example #1 of 3 - Leaked allocations
  // If Umpire compiled with -DUMPIRE_ENABLE_BACKTRACE=On, then backtrace
  // information will be printed for each of the allocations made above.
  // Otherwise, if Umpire was not compiled with -DUMPIRE_ENABLE_BACKTRACE=On,
  // then only the addresses and size information for each allocation will be
  // printed.
  if (!ss.str().empty())
    std::cout << ss.str();

  // Example #2 of 3 - Umpire error exceptions
  // When umpire throws an exception, a backtrace to the offending call will
  // be provided in the exception string.
  void* bad_ptr = (void*)0xBADBADBAD;

  try {
    allocator.deallocate(bad_ptr); // Will cause a throw from umpire
  } catch (const std::exception& exc) {
    // exc.what() string will also contain a backtrace
    std::cout << "Exception thrown from Umpire:" << std::endl << exc.what();

  // Example #3 of 3 - Leak detection
  // When the program terminates, Umpire's resource manager will be
  // deconstructed.  During deconstruction, Umpire will log the size and
  // address, of each leaked allocation in each allocator.
  // If Umpire was compiled with -DUMPIRE_ENABLE_BACKTRACE=On, backtrace
  // information will also be logged for each leaked allocation in each
  // allocator.
  // To enable (and see) the umpire logs, set the environment variable
  return 0;