Typed Allocators

Sometimes, you might want to construct an allocator that allocates objects of a specific type. Umpire provides a umpire::TypedAllocator for this purpose. It can also be used with STL objects like std::vector.

A umpire::TypedAllocator is constructed from any existing Allocator, and provides the same interface as the normal umpire::Allocator. However, when you call allocate, this argument is the number of objects you want to allocate, no the total number of bytes:

  umpire::TypedAllocator<double> double_allocator{alloc};

  double* my_doubles = double_allocator.allocate(1024);

  double_allocator.deallocate(my_doubles, 1024);

To use this allocator with an STL object like a vector, you need to pass the type as a template parameter for the vector, and also pass the allocator to the vector when you construct it:

  std::vector<double, umpire::TypedAllocator<double>> my_vector{double_allocator};

One thing to remember is that whatever allocator you use with an STL object, it must be compatible with the inner workings of that object. For example, if you try and use a “DEVICE”-based allocator it will fail, since the vector will try and construct each element. The CPU cannot access DEVICE memory in most systems, thus causing a segfault. Be careful!

// Copyright (c) 2016-23, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and Umpire
// project contributors. See the COPYRIGHT file for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (MIT)
#include "umpire/Allocator.hpp"
#include "umpire/ResourceManager.hpp"
#include "umpire/TypedAllocator.hpp"

int main(int, char**)
  auto& rm = umpire::ResourceManager::getInstance();
  auto alloc = rm.getAllocator("HOST");

  // _sphinx_tag_tut_typed_alloc_start
  umpire::TypedAllocator<double> double_allocator{alloc};

  double* my_doubles = double_allocator.allocate(1024);

  double_allocator.deallocate(my_doubles, 1024);
  // _sphinx_tag_tut_typed_alloc_end

  // _sphinx_tag_tut_vector_alloc_start
  std::vector<double, umpire::TypedAllocator<double>> my_vector{double_allocator};
  // _sphinx_tag_tut_vector_alloc_end


  return 0;