Program Listing for File Allocator.hpp

Return to documentation for file (umpire/Allocator.hpp)

// Copyright (c) 2018, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
// Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
// Created by David Beckingsale,
// LLNL-CODE-747640
// All rights reserved.
// This file is part of Umpire.
// For details, see
// Please also see the LICENSE file for MIT license.
#ifndef UMPIRE_Allocator_HPP
#define UMPIRE_Allocator_HPP

#include "umpire/strategy/AllocationStrategy.hpp"

#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>

#include "umpire/util/Platform.hpp"

class AllocatorTest;

namespace umpire {

class ResourceManager;

 * \brief Provides a unified interface to allocate and free data.
 * An Allocator encapsulates all the details of how and where allocations will
 * be made, and can also be used to introspect the memory resource. Allocator
 * objects do not return typed allocations, so the pointer returned from the
 * allocate method must be cast to the relevant type.
 * \see TypedAllocator
class Allocator {
  friend class ResourceManager;
  friend class ::AllocatorTest;

     * \brief Allocate bytes of memory.
     * The memory will be allocated as determined by the AllocationStrategy
     * used by this Allocator. Note that this method does not guarantee new
     * memory pages being requested from the underlying memory system, as the
     * associated AllocationStrategy could have already allocated sufficient
     * memory, or re-use existing allocations that were not returned to the
     * system.
     * \param bytes Number of bytes to allocate (>= 0)
     * \return Pointer to start of the allocation.
    void* allocate(size_t bytes);

     * \brief Free the memory at ptr.
     * This method will throw an umpire::Exception if ptr was not allocated
     * using this Allocator. If you need to deallocate memory allocated by an
     * unknown object, use the ResourceManager::deallocate method.
     * \param ptr Pointer to free (!nullptr)
    void deallocate(void* ptr);

     * \brief Return number of bytes allocated for allocation
     * \param ptr Pointer to allocation in question
     * \return number of bytes allocated for ptr
    size_t getSize(void* ptr);

     * \brief Return the memory high watermark for this Allocator.
     * This is the largest amount of memory allocated by this Allocator. Note
     * that this may be larger than the largest value returned by
     * getCurrentSize.
     * \return Memory high watermark.
    size_t getHighWatermark();

     * \brief Return the current size of this Allocator.
     * This is sum of the sizes of all the tracked allocations. Note that this
     * doesn't ever have to be equal to getHighWatermark.
     * \return current size of Allocator.
    size_t getCurrentSize();

     * \brief Return the actual size of this Allocator.
     * For non-pool allocators, this will be the same as getCurrentSize().
     * For pools, this is the total amount of memory allocated for blocks
     * managed by the pool.
     * \return actual size of Allocator.
    size_t getActualSize();

     * \brief Get the name of this Allocator.
     * Allocators are uniquely named, and the name of the Allocator can be used
     * to retrieve the same Allocator from the ResourceManager at a later time.
     * \see ResourceManager::getAllocator
     * \return name of Allocator.
    std::string getName();

     * \brief Get the integer ID of this Allocator.
     * Allocators are uniquely identified, and the ID of the Allocator can be
     * used to retrieve the same Allocator from the ResourceManager at a later
     * time.
     * \see ResourceManager::getAllocator
     * \return integer id of Allocator.
    int getId();

     * \brief Get the AllocationStrategy object used by this Allocator.
     * \return Pointer to the AllocationStrategy.
    std::shared_ptr<umpire::strategy::AllocationStrategy> getAllocationStrategy();

     * \brief Get the Platform object appropriate for this Allocator.
     * \return Platform for this Allocator.
    Platform getPlatform();

     * \brief Construct an Allocator with the given AllocationStrategy.
     * This method is private to ensure that only the ResourceManager can
     * construct Allocators.
     * \param allocator Pointer to the AllocationStrategy object to use for
     * Allocations.
    Allocator(std::shared_ptr<strategy::AllocationStrategy> allocator);

    Allocator() = delete;

     * \brief Pointer to the AllocationStrategy used by this Allocator.
    std::shared_ptr<umpire::strategy::AllocationStrategy> m_allocator;

} // end of namespace umpire

#endif // UMPIRE_Allocator_HPP