
Umpire provides a lightweight replay capability that can be used to investigate performance of particular allocation patterns and reproduce bugs. By running an executable that uses Umpire with the environment variable UMPIRE_REPLAY set to On, Umpire will print out one line for each of the following events:

The log can be captured and stored as a CSV file, then used as input to the replay application (avaible under the bin directory). The replay program will read the replay log, and recreate the events that occured as part of the run that generated the log.

The file tut_replay.cpp makes a umpire::strategy::DynamicPool:

  auto pool = rm.makeAllocator<umpire::strategy::DynamicPool>(

This allocator is used to perform some randomly sized allocations, and later free them:

    allocations.push_back( pool.allocate(random_number()));

Running this program with the UMPIRE_REPLAY environment variable set to On will generate the log file found in tut_replay_log.csv. You can see that this file contains lines for making the umpire::Allocator:


Doing allocations:


and finally, doing the deallocations:


Loading this file with the replay program will replay this sequence of umpire::Allocator creation, allocations, and deallocations:

./bin/replay ../tutorial/examples/tut_replay_log.csv