Program Listing for File FixedSizePool.hpp

Return to documentation for file (umpire/strategy/FixedSizePool.hpp)

// Copyright (c) 2016-20, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and Umpire
// project contributors. See the COPYRIGHT file for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (MIT)

#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "StdAllocator.hpp"

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable: 4244 )
#pragma warning( disable: 4245 )
#pragma warning( disable: 4267 )

inline int find_first_set(int i)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
  unsigned long bit;
  unsigned long i_l = static_cast<unsigned long>(i);
  _BitScanForward(&bit, i_l);
  return static_cast<int>(bit);
  return ffs(i);

template<class T, class MA, class IA = StdAllocator, int NP=(1<<6)>
class FixedSizePool
  struct Pool
    unsigned char *data;
    unsigned int *avail;
    unsigned int numAvail;
    struct Pool* next;

  struct Pool *pool;
  const std::size_t numPerPool;
  const std::size_t totalPoolSize;

  std::size_t numBlocks;

  void newPool(struct Pool **pnew) {
    struct Pool *p = static_cast<struct Pool *>(IA::allocate(sizeof(struct Pool) + NP * sizeof(unsigned int)));
    p->numAvail = numPerPool;
    p->next = NULL;

    p->data  = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(MA::allocate(numPerPool * sizeof(T)));
    p->avail = reinterpret_cast<unsigned int *>(p + 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < NP; i++) p->avail[i] = (~0);

    *pnew = p;

  T* allocInPool(struct Pool *p) {
    if (!p->numAvail) return NULL;

    for (int i = 0; i < NP; i++) {
      const int bit = find_first_set(p->avail[i]) - 1;
      if (bit >= 0) {
        p->avail[i] ^= 1 << bit;
        const int entry = i * sizeof(unsigned int) * 8 + bit;
        return reinterpret_cast<T*>(p->data) + entry;

    return NULL;

  static inline FixedSizePool &getInstance() {
    static FixedSizePool instance;
    return instance;

    : numPerPool(NP * sizeof(unsigned int) * 8),
      totalPoolSize(sizeof(struct Pool) +
            numPerPool * sizeof(T) +
                    NP * sizeof(unsigned int)),
  { newPool(&pool); }

  ~FixedSizePool() {
    for (struct Pool *curr = pool; curr; ) {
      struct Pool *next = curr->next;
      curr = next;

  T* allocate() {
    T* ptr = NULL;

    struct Pool *prev = NULL;
    struct Pool *curr = pool;
    while (!ptr && curr) {
      ptr = allocInPool(curr);
      prev = curr;
      curr = curr->next;

    if (!ptr) {
      ptr = allocate();
      // TODO: In this case we should reverse the linked list for optimality
    else {
    return ptr;

  void deallocate(T* ptr) {
    int i = 0;
    for (struct Pool *curr = pool; curr; curr = curr->next) {
      const T* start = reinterpret_cast<T*>(curr->data);
      const T* end   = reinterpret_cast<T*>(curr->data) + numPerPool;
      if ( (ptr >= start) && (ptr < end) ) {
        // indexes bits 0 - numPerPool-1
        const int indexD = ptr - reinterpret_cast<T*>(curr->data);
        const int indexI = indexD / ( sizeof(unsigned int) * 8 );
        const int indexB = indexD % ( sizeof(unsigned int) * 8 );
#ifndef NDEBUG
        if ((curr->avail[indexI] & (1 << indexB))) {
          std::cerr << "Trying to deallocate an entry that was not marked as allocated" << std::endl;
        curr->avail[indexI] ^= 1 << indexB;
    std::cerr << "Could not find pointer to deallocate" << std::endl;

  /// Return allocated size to user.
  std::size_t getCurrentSize() const { return numBlocks * sizeof(T); }

  /// Return total size with internal overhead.
  std::size_t getActualSize() const {
    return numPools() * totalPoolSize;

  /// Return the number of pools
  std::size_t numPools() const {
    std::size_t np = 0;
    for (struct Pool *curr = pool; curr; curr = curr->next) np++;
    return np;

  /// Return the pool size
  std::size_t poolSize() const { return totalPoolSize; }

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning( pop )