Program Listing for File DynamicPoolMap.cpp

Return to documentation for file (umpire/strategy/DynamicPoolMap.cpp)

// Copyright (c) 2016-20, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and Umpire
// project contributors. See the COPYRIGHT file for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (MIT)

#include "umpire/strategy/DynamicPoolMap.hpp"
#include "umpire/strategy/DynamicPool.hpp"

#include "umpire/Allocator.hpp"
#include "umpire/ResourceManager.hpp"

#include "umpire/util/Macros.hpp"
#include "umpire/util/memory_sanitizers.hpp"
#include "umpire/Replay.hpp"
#include "umpire/util/backtrace.hpp"

#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>

inline static std::size_t round_up(std::size_t num, std::size_t factor)
  return num + factor - 1 - (num - 1) % factor;

namespace umpire {
namespace strategy {

DynamicPoolMap::DynamicPoolMap(const std::string& name,
                         int id,
                         Allocator allocator,
                         const std::size_t initial_alloc_bytes,
                         const std::size_t min_alloc_bytes,
                         const std::size_t align_bytes,
                         CoalesceHeuristic coalesce_heuristic) noexcept :
  AllocationStrategy(name, id),
  m_initial_alloc_bytes{round_up(initial_alloc_bytes, align_bytes)},
  m_min_alloc_bytes{round_up(min_alloc_bytes, align_bytes)},
  m_actual_bytes{round_up(initial_alloc_bytes, align_bytes)},
  const std::size_t bytes{round_up(initial_alloc_bytes, align_bytes)};
    umpire::util::backtrace bt{};
    UMPIRE_LOG(Info, "actual_size: " << bytes << " (prev: 0) " << umpire::util::backtracer<>::print(bt));
  insertFree(m_allocator->allocate(bytes), bytes, true, bytes);

  // Get as many whole blocks as possible in the m_free_map

  // Free any unused blocks
  for (auto& rec : m_free_map) {
    const std::size_t bytes{rec.first};
    void* addr;
    bool is_head;
    std::size_t whole_bytes;
    std::tie(addr, is_head, whole_bytes) = rec.second;
    // Deallocate if this is a whole block
    if (is_head && bytes == whole_bytes) deallocateBlock(addr, bytes);

  if (m_used_map.size() == 0) {
    UMPIRE_ASSERT(m_curr_bytes == 0);
    UMPIRE_ASSERT(m_actual_bytes == 0);

void DynamicPoolMap::insertUsed(Pointer addr, std::size_t bytes, bool is_head,
                             std::size_t whole_bytes)
  m_used_map.insert(std::make_pair(addr, std::make_tuple(bytes, is_head,

void DynamicPoolMap::insertFree(Pointer addr, std::size_t bytes, bool is_head,
                             std::size_t whole_bytes)
  m_free_map.insert(std::make_pair(bytes, std::make_tuple(addr, is_head,

DynamicPoolMap::findFreeBlock(std::size_t bytes) const
  SizeMap::const_iterator iter{m_free_map.upper_bound(bytes)};

  if (iter != m_free_map.begin()) {
    // Back up iterator
    const std::size_t test_bytes{iter->first};
    if (test_bytes < bytes) {
      // Too small, reset iterator to what upper_bound returned

  return iter;

void* DynamicPool::allocateBlock(std::size_t bytes)
  void* ptr{nullptr};
  try {
      umpire::util::backtrace bt{};
      UMPIRE_LOG(Info, "actual_size: " << (m_actual_bytes+bytes)
        << " (prev: " << m_actual_bytes << ") "
        << umpire::util::backtracer<>::print(bt));
    ptr = m_allocator->allocate(bytes);
  } catch (...) {
               "\n\tMemory exhausted at allocation resource. "
               "Attempting to give blocks back.\n\t"
               << getCurrentSize() << " Allocated to pool, "
               << getFreeBlocks() << " Free Blocks, "
               << getInUseBlocks() << " Used Blocks\n"
               "\n\tMemory exhausted at allocation resource.  "
               "\n\tRetrying allocation operation: "
               << getCurrentSize() << " Bytes still allocated to pool, "
               << getFreeBlocks() << " Free Blocks, "
               << getInUseBlocks() << " Used Blocks\n"
    try {
      ptr = m_allocator->allocate(bytes);
                 "\n\tMemory successfully recovered at resource.  Allocation succeeded\n"
    catch (...) {
                 "\n\tUnable to allocate from resource even after giving back free blocks.\n"
                 "\tThrowing to let application know we have no more memory: "
                 << getCurrentSize() << " Bytes still allocated to pool\n"
                 << getFreeBlocks() << " Partially Free Blocks, "
                 << getInUseBlocks() << " Used Blocks\n"

  UMPIRE_POISON_MEMORY_REGION(m_allocator, ptr, bytes);

  // Add to count
  m_actual_bytes += bytes;

  return ptr;

void DynamicPool::deallocateBlock(void* ptr, std::size_t bytes)
  m_actual_bytes -= bytes;

void* DynamicPool::allocate(std::size_t bytes)
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(bytes=" << bytes << ")");

  const std::size_t rounded_bytes = round_up(bytes, m_align_bytes);
  Pointer ptr{nullptr};

  // Check if the previous block is a match
  const SizeMap::const_iterator iter{findFreeBlock(rounded_bytes)};

  if (iter != m_free_map.end()) {
    // Found this acceptable address pair
    bool is_head;
    std::size_t whole_bytes;
    std::tie(ptr, is_head, whole_bytes) = iter->second;

    // Add used map
    insertUsed(ptr, rounded_bytes, is_head, whole_bytes);

    // Remove the entry from the free map
    const std::size_t free_size{iter->first};

    m_curr_bytes += rounded_bytes;

    const std::size_t left_bytes{free_size - rounded_bytes};

    if (left_bytes > 0) {
      insertFree(static_cast<unsigned char*>(ptr) + rounded_bytes, left_bytes,
                 false, whole_bytes);
  } else {
    // Allocate new block -- note this does not check whether alignment is met
    const std::size_t min_block_size =
      ( m_actual_bytes == 0 ) ? m_initial_alloc_bytes : m_min_alloc_bytes;

    const std::size_t alloc_bytes{std::max(rounded_bytes, min_block_size)};
    ptr = allocateBlock(alloc_bytes);

    // Add used
    insertUsed(ptr, rounded_bytes, true, alloc_bytes);
    m_curr_bytes += rounded_bytes;

    const std::size_t left_bytes{alloc_bytes - rounded_bytes};

    // Add free
    if (left_bytes > 0)
      insertFree(static_cast<unsigned char*>(ptr) + rounded_bytes, left_bytes,
                 false, alloc_bytes);

  if (m_curr_bytes > m_highwatermark) m_highwatermark = m_curr_bytes;

  UMPIRE_UNPOISON_MEMORY_REGION(m_allocator, ptr, bytes);
  return ptr;

void DynamicPoolMap::deallocate(void* ptr)
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "(ptr=" << ptr << ")");

  auto iter = m_used_map.find(ptr);

  if (iter->second) {
    // Fast way to check if key was found

    std::size_t bytes;
    bool is_head;
    std::size_t whole_bytes;
    std::tie(bytes, is_head, whole_bytes) = *iter->second;

    // Insert in free map
    insertFree(ptr, bytes, is_head, whole_bytes);

    // Remove from used map

    // Update currentSize
    m_curr_bytes -= bytes;

    UMPIRE_POISON_MEMORY_REGION(m_allocator, ptr, bytes);
  } else {
    UMPIRE_ERROR("Cound not found ptr = " << ptr);

  if (m_coalesce_heuristic(*this)) {
    UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, this
               << " heuristic function returned true, calling coalesce()");

std::size_t DynamicPoolMap::getCurrentSize() const noexcept
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "() returning " << m_curr_bytes);
  return m_curr_bytes;

std::size_t DynamicPoolMap::getActualSize() const noexcept
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "() returning " << m_actual_bytes);
  return m_actual_bytes;

std::size_t DynamicPoolMap::getHighWatermark() const noexcept
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "() returning " << m_highwatermark);
  return m_highwatermark;

std::size_t DynamicPoolMap::getFreeBlocks() const noexcept
  return m_free_map.size();

std::size_t DynamicPoolMap::getInUseBlocks() const noexcept
  return m_used_map.size();

std::size_t DynamicPoolMap::getBlocksInPool() const noexcept
  const std::size_t total_blocks{getFreeBlocks() + getInUseBlocks()};
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "() returning " << total_blocks);
  return total_blocks;

std::size_t DynamicPoolMap::getLargestAvailableBlock() noexcept
  std::size_t largest_block{0};


  for (auto& rec : m_free_map) {
    const std::size_t bytes{rec.first};
    if (bytes > largest_block) largest_block = bytes;

  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "() returning " << largest_block);
  return largest_block;

std::size_t DynamicPoolMap::getReleasableSize() const noexcept
  std::size_t releasable_bytes{0};
  for (auto& rec : m_free_map) {
    const std::size_t bytes{rec.first};
    Pointer ptr;
    bool is_head;
    std::size_t whole_bytes;
    std::tie(ptr, is_head, whole_bytes) = rec.second;
    if (is_head && bytes == whole_bytes) releasable_bytes += bytes;

  return releasable_bytes;

Platform DynamicPoolMap::getPlatform() noexcept
  return m_allocator->getPlatform();

DynamicPoolMap::getTraits() const noexcept
  return m_allocator->getTraits();

void DynamicPoolMap::mergeFreeBlocks()
  if (m_free_map.size() < 2) return;

  using PointerMap = std::map<Pointer, SizeTuple>;

  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "() Free blocks before: " << getFreeBlocks());

  // Make a free block map from pointers -> size pairs
  PointerMap free_pointer_map;

  for (auto& rec : m_free_map) {
    const std::size_t bytes{rec.first};
    Pointer ptr;
    bool is_head;
    std::size_t whole_bytes;
    std::tie(ptr, is_head, whole_bytes) = rec.second;
      std::make_pair(ptr, std::make_tuple(bytes, is_head, whole_bytes)));

  // this map is iterated over from low to high in terms of key = pointer address.
  // Colaesce these...

  auto it = free_pointer_map.begin();
  auto next_it = free_pointer_map.begin(); ++next_it;
  auto end = free_pointer_map.end();

  while (next_it != end) {
    const unsigned char* this_addr{static_cast<unsigned char*>(it->first)};
    std::size_t this_bytes, this_whole_bytes;
    bool this_is_head;
    std::tie(this_bytes, this_is_head, this_whole_bytes) = it->second;

    const unsigned char* next_addr{static_cast<unsigned char*>(next_it->first)};
    std::size_t next_bytes, next_whole_bytes;
    bool next_is_head;
    std::tie(next_bytes, next_is_head, next_whole_bytes) = next_it->second;

    // Check if we can merge *it and *next_it
    const bool contiguous{this_addr + this_bytes == next_addr};
    if (contiguous && !next_is_head) {
      UMPIRE_ASSERT(this_whole_bytes == next_whole_bytes);
      std::get<0>(it->second) += next_bytes;
      next_it = free_pointer_map.erase(next_it);
    } else {

  // Now the external map may have shrunk, so rebuild the original map
  for (auto& rec : free_pointer_map) {
    Pointer ptr{rec.first};
    std::size_t bytes, whole_bytes;
    bool is_head;
    std::tie(bytes, is_head, whole_bytes) = rec.second;
    insertFree(ptr, bytes, is_head, whole_bytes);

  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "() Free blocks after: " << getFreeBlocks());

std::size_t DynamicPoolMap::releaseFreeBlocks()
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "()");

  std::size_t released_bytes{0};

  auto it = m_free_map.cbegin();
  auto end = m_free_map.cend();

  while (it != end) {
    const std::size_t bytes{it->first};
    Pointer ptr;
    bool is_head;
    std::size_t whole_bytes;
    std::tie(ptr, is_head, whole_bytes) = it->second;
    if (is_head && bytes == whole_bytes) {
      released_bytes += bytes;
      deallocateBlock(ptr, bytes);
      it = m_free_map.erase(it);
    } else {

  if (released_bytes > 0) {
    umpire::util::backtrace bt{};
    UMPIRE_LOG(Info, "actual_size: " << m_actual_bytes
      << " (prev: " << (m_actual_bytes+released_bytes)
      << ") " << umpire::util::backtracer<>::print(bt));

  return released_bytes;

void DynamicPoolMap::coalesce()
  // Coalesce differs from release in that it puts back a single block of the size it released
  UMPIRE_REPLAY("\"event\": \"coalesce\", \"payload\": { \"allocator_name\": \"" << getName() << "\" }");


void DynamicPoolMap::release()
  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "()");

  // Coalesce first so that we are able to release the most memory possible

  // Free any blocks with is_head

  // NOTE This differs from coalesce above in that it does not reallocate a
  // free block to keep actual size the same.

void DynamicPoolMap::do_coalesce()
  // Now all possible the free blocks that could be merged have been

  // Only release and create new block if more than one block is present
  if (m_free_map.size() > 1) {
    const std::size_t released_bytes{releaseFreeBlocks()};
    // Deallocated and removed released_bytes from m_free_map

    // If this removed anything from the map, re-allocate a single large chunk and insert to free map
    if (released_bytes > 0) {
      const Pointer ptr{allocateBlock(released_bytes)};
      insertFree(ptr, released_bytes, true, released_bytes);
} // end of namespace strategy
} // end of namespace umpire