Program Listing for File AlignedAllocator.cpp

Return to documentation for file (umpire/strategy/AlignedAllocator.cpp)

// Copyright (c) 2016-20, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and Umpire
// project contributors. See the COPYRIGHT file for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (MIT)
#include "umpire/strategy/AlignedAllocator.hpp"

#include "umpire/util/Macros.hpp"

namespace umpire {
namespace strategy {

AlignedAllocator::AlignedAllocator(const std::string& name, int id,
                                   Allocator allocator, std::size_t alignment)
    : AllocationStrategy(name, id),
      m_mask{static_cast<uintptr_t>(~(m_alignment - 1))}
  if (m_allocator->getPlatform() != Platform::host) {
    UMPIRE_ERROR("Cannot construct AlignedAllocator from non-host Allocator.");

  if (!(m_alignment >= 16 && ((m_alignment & (m_alignment - 1)) == 0))) {
        "AlignedAllocator alignment must be a power of 2 greater than or equal "
        "to 16");

void* AlignedAllocator::allocate(std::size_t bytes)
  std::size_t total_bytes = bytes + sizeof(void*) + m_alignment - 1;
             "requested: " << bytes << " actual: " << bytes + m_alignment - 1);

  uintptr_t ptr{
  uintptr_t aligned_ptr{static_cast<uintptr_t>(
      (ptr + sizeof(void*) + (m_alignment - 1)) & m_mask)};
  uintptr_t* header = (uintptr_t*)(aligned_ptr - sizeof(void*));
  *header = ptr;

  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "ptr: " << reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr) << " aligned: "
                            << reinterpret_cast<void*>(aligned_ptr));
  return reinterpret_cast<void*>(aligned_ptr);

void AlignedAllocator::deallocate(void* ptr)
  uintptr_t aligned_ptr{reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr)};
  uintptr_t* header = (uintptr_t*)(aligned_ptr - sizeof(void*));
  void* base_ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(*header);

  UMPIRE_LOG(Debug, "ptr: " << reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr) << " base_ptr: "
                            << reinterpret_cast<void*>(base_ptr));
  return m_allocator->deallocate(base_ptr);

Platform AlignedAllocator::getPlatform() noexcept
  return m_allocator->getPlatform();

MemoryResourceTraits AlignedAllocator::getTraits() const noexcept
  return m_allocator->getTraits();

} // end of namespace strategy
} // end of namespace umpire